- Would warmer weather kill more people?
- Is there evidence that weather-related deaths have increased?
- Is there evidence that climate change already increased mortality due to more extreme weather?
- No. As I have already noted, cold weather causes more "excess" deaths than warm. A 2007 paper from Indur Goklany has the numbers:
source: Indur Goklany at 8
So, it's reasonable to assume that warming would save lives. - No. As Goklany details, both deaths and the death rates are down:
source: Indur Goklany at 4
Recent U.S. data is similar:
source: Indur Goklany at 8 - No. With temperatures about the same or less than a decade ago, excess mortality due to cold in England and Wales have been steady for the past seven years as Anthony Watts notes:
source: U.K. National Statistics Office
And, even given the spike produced by Katrina in 2005, the trend is down:
source: Indur Goklany at 10
(via CATO blog, Watts Up With That? twice)
> Recent U.S. data is similar:
Yes, but this doesn't include all the thousands dead (covered up, of course) in New Orleans after Bush summoned Katrina to Louisiana during that secret weather-control weapons test, now, does it?
True, but is it fair to ascribe the deaths to warming when everyone knows we bombed the levees?
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