Sunday, January 29, 2006

Truth And Consequences

Liberal Troutsky complains that those favoring the projection of American force abroad (he mentions Vietnam and Iraq) don't consider the costs of their views: "With your support for the current war on Iraq you assume ownership of its consequences as well." Were the question less serious, I would laugh. For it's not conservatives, but the anti-war left whose collective head is planted firmly in sand.

1) Vietnam: After America refused to intervene when the North reneged on the peace treaty and conquered South Vietnam, the Communists killed millions and imprisoned hundreds of thousands in slave labor and re-education camps. The famous "Boat People" were not fleeing our troops or the war--the mass migration began after the U.S. left, millions voting with their feet against the great socialist nations protesters prefer to America. How arrogant of you to overlook the views of the Vietnamese.

2) Iraq: The invasion of Iraq ended a brutal dictatorship known for rape and mass graves, not rights and good government. Iraq now is a constitutional democracy, and far more were preserved by the invasion than were victims--with especially few innocent and unarmed among the dead. The anti-war movement isn't just indifferent to the human rights of others--they're objectively pro-totalitarian, at least as long as the totalitarian at issue is anti-American.

Conclusion: Troutsky, Cindy and Michael: heal thyself. It is you, not the Bush Administration, with bloody hands. It is you -- departing from liberal Democrats of the past -- who have abandoned the still enslaved around the world. And though mentioned by a commenter, it is you who overlook time-tested methodology -- the "Just War" doctrine, refined by some of the best minds over 1,500 years -- highlighting a lack of both fact and logic.

The liberation of Iraq, and its consequences good as well as bad, was accomplished "In My Name." By contrast, progressives don't consult Iraqis, enabling ignorance to promote inaction. Evaluating America-hating Troutsky and clueless anti-war protestors in general, absolutely nothing positive was -- or could be -- accomplished in yours.

How about tackling that truth and considering those consequences?


Kobayashi Maru:
The people of the world don't want good intentions and meaningless assurances from a comfortable elite at a five-star hotel in the Swiss Alps. They want proof that we support them and not the maniacal intentions of their misguided if well-spoken leaders.

They want help in establishing justice and individual freedom and democracy and free market principles that can set them on the road to prosperity as they've seen happen in dozens of other nations already. They want action to back up nice words, not just the adoration of your liberal cronies. . .

They want to look a Marine grunt in the eye and smile and know that he's not going home on the whim of some turncoat politician more interested in today's polling results and tomorrow's headlines and next November's election than he is in adhering to enduring principles and staying the course and making the sacrifice for something truly better.


SC&A said...

Good post.

That said, deceit abd fraud and are now acceptable forms of political expression on the left.

It's a brave new world.

Kobayashi Maru said...

Succinctly put. "Liberalism" circa 1960 has been inherited by the neocons while radically selfish isolationism has been inherited by... the Democrats. The world turned upside down.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I'm really worried about the consequences of this Internet thing. Untrained journalists might get their views heard.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I went and read Troutsky's post. Unbelievable. I'm afraid I'll never understand them. Don't they realize the barbarians truly are at the gates. If not for America and the fantastic bravery of our young people, this world would resemble 1984.

@nooil4pacifists said...


Agreed. Isolationism on top of inaction is bad enough. Then add today's reverse multi-culti -- you know, respecting other cultures without actually listening to them. I'm afraid the gap between reality and unexamined Moonbat utopias has become too great to straddle.

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Here's one for you: I'm a conservative who opposes the war.

First, the war was not just, according to the Just War doctrine. John Paul II explained that one clearly, or so I thought.

I am not a pacifict, but I am an isolationist. Was the regime of Iraq evil? Yes. Did we do good in supplanting it? Probably. But democracy is not a panacea, and it's high time we stop worshipping this new god. Hamas has just been elected in Palestine and Iraqis probably aren't going to let Christians practice their faith. So much for liberal democracy.

My prayers are with the troops and I really hope that they can get the job done and prove me wrong. That being said, I am not very confident of our success here--much like with Vietnam, although the difference in scale is so massive to almost invalidate the comparison.

If we cannot acheive victory in Iraq, will the neo-cons apologize? I doubt it, but they should. Hopefully we will eventually learn that those who "live by the sword die by the sword". Far be it for us to learn from say, Britain or Germany from last century.

For an eloquent aliteration of the conservative position on the issue of the Iraq war it would do good to check out Pat Buchanan.