Monday, January 30, 2006

Some Liberals Sniff the Titanic

Such as Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi:
Alito is conservative. But radical? The Democrats failed to make the case during hearings which proved only one thing beyond a reasonable doubt: their own boorishness.

Calling for a filibuster is a late, blatant bow to the left. It seemed more theatrical than realistic. Still, any such bowing from Massachusetts helps the Bush administration. ''Bring it on," chortled the Wall Street Journal after Kerry announced his effort to rally fellow Democrats from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. There, the Journal snidely observed, he was ''communing with his political base."

Calling for a filibuster makes political sense for Kennedy, who is adored by every left-wing constituency in America. He isn't running for national office; he can afford to stick to strict liberal principle. He wants to go down fighting. For Kennedy, a filibuster call mollifies the left at no political cost. It is also an attempt to make up for the obvious: He used the wrong tone and tactics during the hearings. Going after Alito as a bigot backfired. Forget about Mrs. Alito's tears. The moment Kennedy was exposed for belonging to a discriminatory college fraternal organization, it was over. He lost the moral high ground.

Kerry's enthusiasm for a filibuster is harder to fathom, except as more of the same from a perpetually tone-deaf politician.

Why volunteer to look like a creature of the left if you are plotting a second presidential campaign? The perception helped undercut Kerry's first presidential campaign.

Why champion a cause your fellow senators show little interest in following? The quick dismissal of Kerry's call for a filibuster by fellow senators reinforces the underlying theme of an unflattering piece in GQ that was part of the week's political buzz.

The two Supreme Court vacancies that occurred after George W. Bush's reelection demonstrate the importance of winning elections. Democrats should be focusing on 2006 and 2008.
(via Instapundit)


MaxedOutMama said...

It's not hard to fathom Kerry's support at all. For one thing, he may really believe the "Alito is that great beast slouching toward" rhetoric, and for another thing, this tactic has INSTANTLY made him the preferred 2008 candidate of the DU/Kos/Progressive camp. They will now support his candidacy.

He's running.

@nooil4pacifists said...

And losing.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

These sane voices keep popping up from the Democrats and then are washed out with the next tide.