Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Damage Done

A frequently updated table of tsunami deaths, by country (free registration required).

(via Chrenkoff)

And, a brief discourse in logic:

Major premise: Europe's crazy.

Minor premise: the mainstream media's crazy.

Conclusion: European mainstream media's doubly crazy, as demonstrated by a story in Tuesday's Guardian (UK) headlined The victims of the tsunami pay the price of war on Iraq. Or this one in the Times (London):
I watched the TV pictures of the surge of ocean coming ashore, saw the buildings in its path, and had to stifle an inward “Yes! Sweep them away! Show us how small is Man! Show us how easily this Universe can make matchwood of our dreams!” And no, you do not need to remind me that they were somebody else’s dreams, not mine. “Show us,” I thought, “how lives and livelihoods can be snuffed out in the twinkling of an eye.”
Yes, and don't forget to "call angry to son the whale, 'make slap with anger-tails! Bring vengeance-surf to villagers!'"

(via Wizbang and Cheat Seeking Missiles)

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