Tuesday, October 05, 2010


UPDATE: below

Victor Davis Hanson on The Corner:
Obama continues to attack his opponents as obstructionists without explaining how and why his agenda has made America better in the last two years. We are having no debate on whether the greater good is best served by a larger state or more individual freedom. Democratic congressional candidates are either running against the president or despite him. Very few of their campaign ads say, "I voted for nationalized health care, more stimulus, cash-for-clunkers, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor. Help return me to Congress to finish the job with card check, amnesty, cap-and-trade, and higher taxes on the rich."

I guess they’re using a different playbook: on the national level, compare Republicans to the racist reactionaries of old that opposed abolition and civil rights, and on the local level unearth skeletons and nastiness -- anything, in other words, except debate over the record of 2009-10.

The result is that President Obama, by design and deliberate intent, is proving to be the most polarizing figure in recent memory -- widening the gulf between the parties, trying to rev up a small base by demonizing an oppositional counterpart, creating a them-vs.-us atmosphere among races and ethnic groups, and in the process embarrassing a captive media by proving that the hard Right’s once-shrill prediction that Obama would continue to be the polarizer he had always been, in the Alinsky, Ayers, and Reverend Wright mode, were, well, more or less prescient.

Barney Frank has the stones to be one Democrat running on his record, according to Assistant Village Idiot in comments:
Driving through Massachusetts over the weekend, I heard a Barney Frank ad. Priceless. He was criticising Sean Bielat for not supporting the upcoming regulatory reforms of the financial industry, which he assured us would prevent our current meltdown from ever happening again. My wife was asleep in the car, so I didn't shout "You were at Ground Zero causing our current mess, you tax-fattened hyena!"


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Driving through Massachusetts over the weekend, I heard a Barney Frank ad. Priceless. He was criticising Sean Bielat for not supporting the upcoming regulatory reforms of the financial industry, which he assured us would prevent our current meltdown from ever happening again. My wife was asleep in the car, so I didn't shout "You were at Ground Zero causing our current mess, you tax-fattened hyena!"

Thought it, though.

OBloodyHell said...

> on the national level, compare Republicans to the racist reactionaries of old that opposed abolition and civil rights

Need I point out that, for the most part, the entire class listed above was almost entirely composed of Democrats...?


OBloodyHell said...

> AVI: "You were at Ground Zero causing our current mess, you tax-fattened hyena!"

The locational data provided is within standard GPS error values. The descriptive term, however, is an insult to every mammal that ever existed, though, like the locational data, is correct on the porkulence of the creature.
