Thursday, May 20, 2010


Melissa Clouthier in Pajamas Media:
In a free society, an individual bears sole responsibility for his actions. A whole race, gender, or generation does not bear guilt for the sins of some or even of many in that group of people. It’s unfair and wrong.

But liberals don’t believe this. For example, a white person carries the shame of slavery even if his family members never owned slaves and even if he himself worked to free those in bondage. White equals guilt. Or, as another example, "society" is guilty for creating the psychosexual environment in which frustrated men must rape in order to feel dominant. And then there are the more mundane things like "if she weren’t poor, she wouldn’t be compelled to steal that Ralph Lauren dress."

A criminal wouldn’t be a criminal if he were loved more and society supported him, therefore it’s society’s fault that he is committing the fill-in-the-blank crime.

So who is to blame, then, when a black man rapes a woman? Would it be the rapist? No. . .

This sort of rationalization would absolve white slave owners, by the way. They were simply victims of cultural thinking at the time. And the patriarchy? A remnant of twisted religious extremism.

No one would be responsible for any action at any time, anywhere. There is, after all, a context for every crime.

At the root of this absolution is a desire to push personal responsibility on the collective. Unfortunately, the collective was not in that room that night. One man raped one woman.

He alone is responsible. Excusing his behavior is a moral travesty. A society unravels when evil cannot be named and shamed.

Forget collective guilt. It is a collective shame that this sort of thinking permeates liberal thought. This belief in action will utterly destroy society should it go unchallenged.
(via Linkiest)


OBloodyHell said...

> At the root of this absolution is a desire to push personal responsibility on the collective. Unfortunately, the collective was not in that room that night. One man raped one woman.

Actually, you have this somewhat wrong. The man is not guilty only if he has a higher victimhood rating than her.

If he is, for an example,

His victimhood rating trumps her rights as a female.

On the other hand, if he is

She wins that one. His victimhood rating is closely approaching zero, and, at the very least, gets publicly pilloried even if she has no proof of any kind as to the claim of rape.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

No collective guilt. That is so white a POV. (rolls eyes)