Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Rule of Holes: Stop Digging

University of Chicago economists Gary Becker, Steven Davis and Kevin Murphy say Obama and the Dems are choking economic recovery in the January 4th Wall Street Journal:
[I]t was a serious economic mistake to press for a hasty, major transformation of the U.S. economy on the heels of the worst financial crisis in decades. A more effective approach would have been to concentrate first on fighting the recession and laying solid foundations for growth. They should have put plans to re-engineer the economy on the backburner, and kept them there until the economy emerged fully from the recession and returned to robust growth. By failing to adopt a measured approach to economic policy, Congress and the president may be slowing the economic recovery, and thereby prolonging the distress from the recession.
(via Tigerhawk)

1 comment:

The Eternal Dem (aka, The Man Who Had No Clue) said...

> Congress and the president may be slowing the economic recovery, and thereby prolonging the distress from the recession.

Huh? What? That's crazy. No Way!