Dan Pfeiffer, the White House's deputy communications director, called FOX News an "ideological news outlet[]."Uh, doesn't anyone remember lefties condemning Nixon's (crazed) belief that "The press is the enemy"? Or the wide-spread media suck-up of Obama and Democrats as a whole?
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the same, calling the network "an ideological outlet."
White House blogger Jesse Lee said the network "lies."
White House Communications Director Anita Dunn called it "opinion journalism masquerading as news," and promised the Administration would "be more aggressive."
Last Sunday, Dunn also claimed "FOX News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party. . . [C]ertainly the way we view it is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party."
In truth, the White House is mad that FOX News is hugely popular and doesn't want to play ball with the Administration. Liberals mostly tout press freedoms when the media favors progressives. I'd call it a three-way tie for the biggest cry-babies between the mainstream media, the Administration and internet progressives.
(via NewsBusters, Think Progress)
> I'd call it a three-way tie for the biggest cry-babies between the mainstream media, the Administration and internet progressives.
More of a three-wah tie...
Wah-wah wawah wah.
Beware of the power of the fourth wah.
Even if FOX were as biased as little Pacifica Radio, it would be deeply troubling that the WH would take this tack.
Nixon's belief wasn't in any sense crazed.
davidncl, I'm no fan of the the biased media. But Nixon was wrong for two reasons: First, his attitude toward the press was counter-productively combative, which responded, eventually, by driving him from office, which makes my second point--as the old adage warns, "Never pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel."
> --as the old adage warns, "Never pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel."
Well, you CAN get away with that if you set fire to the barrels often enough. But it's bound to get you frowned at and encourage talking behind your back.
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