Friday, October 09, 2009


It may be days before I can think rationally about today's award. Andrew Berman rounds up reactions.


OBloodyHell said...

It may be days before I can think rationally about today's award.

What's so surprising?

He deserves it more than Yassir Arafat did. Unlike Arafat, Obama has done absolutely NOTHING to overtly increase or decrease the level of violence in the world.

And he's been no more incompetent so far than Jimmy Carter did as PotUS or, more critically, since that time.

That's not to say I think he should have gotten it, it's just calling to mind the fact that Those In Charge of the NPP have already quite adequately demonstrated that they are complete raving lunatics...

I am neither stunned nor aghast. The award means absolutely nothing and hasn't in decades.

I'd be far more stunned and amazed if someone they gave it to actually deserved it.

OBloodyHell said...

P.S. Oh, for the power to go back in time and show Nobel how the award is being used. He would defund the thing as a blatantly bad idea in a microsecond.

suek said...

This article on the committee's thought process and what Obama has done to influence it might be worth your time to read...