Wednesday, April 08, 2009


On Planet Gore, Greg Pollowitz highlights some "Amazing Science News!":
It seems a revolutionary new technology has been developed to soak up the extra CO2 in the atmosphere. It's called a "tree." More study is needed, of course . . .
Trees are growing faster and could buy time to halt global warming


Tom Carter said...

Hmmm. I wonder if the Earth is adjusting itself to maintain its own temperature. But the couldn't be true--we haven't spent a gazillion dollars on it.

OBloodyhell said...

> Hmmm. I wonder if the Earth is adjusting itself to maintain its own temperature. But the couldn't be true--we haven't spent a gazillion dollars on it.

The Earth does have a vast array of feedback mechanisms for balancing this crap out.

One of the things that these idiots ignore, for example, is that, if a lot of fresh water goes into the ocean from icemelt, that water becomes a huge sink for a lot of dissolved substances -- most particularly including things like CO2.

Another one is the obvious fact that greater heat means more moisture evaporated, which means more cloudcover, which increases the earth's albedo, and substantially reduces the amount of sunlight making it down into the lower atmosphere. How often do you hear about that self-evident fact?

These pricks don't care about the Truth -- it's the enemy of the goal.