If Obama loses, Americans will hear for the next twenty years about their racism and badness. His loss would be further proof of America's evil. If Obama wins, America will hear about the perfection and lightness of Obama's being. His greatness will make America great.(via Right Wing News)
> If Obama loses, Americans will hear for the next twenty years about their racism and badness. His loss would be further proof of America's evil.
Actually, that depends more on the longevity of the ultra-PC Left.
I predict that the Dems are going to trend more towards the middle, for the simple reason that there IS nowhere further Left. With the hippies and flower children finally getting to the point where they will be dying off, there is a chance for some rationality to begin re-application.
Further, with Hillaryphiles already yammering about sexism, any racist whining is going to appear just like an echoing "sour grapes" claim. You'll hear such crap, but it won't last 20 years -- I'll bet one, at most. After that it'll just be limited to the sort of cranks still whining about the 2000 election.
With PETAphile Bridget Bardot getting repeatedly sued in France for daring to say anything about Islam's non-PETA attitudes, sooner or later, the Greens are going to wind up pitted against Islam.
When their own weapons get turned on them, at least some of them are going to Get It, finally. And that will be the high-water mark of the insanity. Kids aren't stupid. Growing up, they will see this crap and figure out for themselves what Free Speech is about, and why.
Irrationalism can only work for so long. Eventually, you get a generation that's actually been watching.
It was primarily sexism that kept Hillary from the nomination. Eleanor Roosevelt is sobbing in her grave at the missed opportunity caused by fear-filled men and women who failed to break through their personal inadequacies and self-deception and vote for the best candidate by every measure, namely, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Let's abolish the limitation on terms and re-elect Bill Clinton, if you need a man as the top dog. At least he produced positive results even though the jealous Republicans sapped much of his potential for doing even more then he did in making millions of people well off.
I wonder where the gratitude is for the benefits bestowed by the Clinton administration and the years of productive work of Bill and Hillary in improving the lives of millions of people.
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