Sunday, January 22, 2006

Guide Blanc

Yes, it's true French President Jacques Chirac threatened a nuclear strike against any country that carries out a terrorist attack against France. But is that mere bluster? After a record 135-year loss streak, how prepared is the modern force de frappe?

Fortunately, and without a warrant, Van Helsing at Moonbattery went under-cover in the hexagon, returning with the Armée de Terre's state-of-the-art defense, recently distributed to front-line troops:

(source: Moonbattery)

This year's model was upgraded with new dyes: should the attacking vanguard be Bedouin (or commanded by Prince Charles), the French ordinance doubles as camouflage.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

We can hope. Even sabre-rattling is a step up.

More important than the discomfiture such a move would give to the Left in the west, conservatives would visit Paris in droves, spending tourist dollars and toasting them until dawn. For the next two decades, the French could say anything about us they wanted -- we'd even agree, if it made them feel better! We would defend their honor in the gates. "Yes, usually the French are not so much help, I agree," we would say, "but every once in a while...

And then grin dreamily.

OBloodyHell said...

If even The French are starting to Get It, can the rest of the majority of Liberalurbia be far behind?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

The lack of comment suggests you guys aren't immersing yourselves in this fantasy enough. Work with me here.

@nooil4pacifists said...


Sorry to be the poor person from Porlock. . .