Sunday, January 22, 2006

Alito Update

UPDATE: The story continues.

California Yankee's Senate scorecard -- more frequently updated than the WSJ's -- stands at 27 YEAs to 11 NAYs. However, because they haven't formally announced about Alito, this tally omits five Democrats with Presidential aspirations, each of which voted against the even-more-qualified John Roberts. Evan Bayh (Ind.), Joe Biden (Del.), Barbara Boxer (Cal.), Hillary Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.). (Since Friday's vote round-up, John Kerry (D-Vietnam) confirmed his opposition to Alito.)

So the actual Alito line-up is 27 to 16, making today's "Ginsburg Differential" a frightening + 13. Res Ipsa Loquitur.


James Lileks' suggested opening statement for the next confirmation hearing:
Gentlemen, and I use the terms in conformance with its most elastic definition, I submit to this appearance with equal amounts of rue and bemusement, particularly since it falls during the time I usually thrash my footman for sins both real and contemplated. It seems I must explain myself to a series of low-born mountebanks and trust-fund wastrels, in order to ingratiate myself with the herd of sheep over whom my rulings will fall. Very well.

I was born in a manger, surrounded by farm animals, attended by wandering kings – Mother had entered one of her rustic moods, and had the servants build a crèche in the west ballroom. The kings were authentic, mostly second-tier low-country rabble – but one of them, a rather sweaty Belgian, told my mother I had the mark of greatness on me. He referred of course to this birthmark on my skull in the shape of the Masonic emblem; it is the reason I shave my head, of course. In any case, I attended expensive colleges, served as judge for two decades, translated the Federalist Papers into six languages. I will rule according to the words of the Constitution, and damn the consequences. Now if you don’t mind, I am late for my weekly colonic irrigation with a solution of ambergris and champagne. So get on with it...
I didn't know "ambergris" either.

1 comment:

OBloodyHell said...

Would that someone had the cojones to make that speech to those grandstanding idiots.

BTW, it's worth it to go the the Day-by-Day website to see the full Sunday page, featuring the exhortations of Theodor, The Submarinated...