Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Raising on a Busted Flush

Unsatisfied with broadcasting their ineptness on all things military, forcing withdraw of their new the TV ad, MoveOn.Org today published pure propaganda. First noticed by (non-twin)-brothers-of-different-blogs (GOP and the City and GOP and College), MO.O chose cover-up, as Harvey at Bad Example explains:
Normally I'd just say "buncha dumbasses" and ignore it, but as we all know, it's not the lie, it's the cover-up that'll bring you down.

In the sidebar picture, they show Mr. Shorts wearing pants.

But not just ANY pants - the same exact pants as the guy standing next to him.

This presents some problems, since they're not standing at the same angle, but they hoped no one would notice.

Sorry guys, it's just not your day. . .

First, a screenshot of the MO.O site, so you can see the pictures side-by-side (and as proof that it actually happened, in case they take it down - remember: ALWAYS GET A SCREENSHOT).

Second, greatly enlarged side-by-side comparison of the fake pic (left) and the real pic (right). In the fake pic, notice that the camouflage pattern - right down to the wrinkles and reflection of the sunlight - is EXACTLY the same on both pairs (with allowances for distortion due to photoshopping).

Yet if you look at their feet, you'll see that they're standing at different angles. Which makes for a VERY strange effect for the left soldier: although his right foot is slightly behind him, and you should see the butt-crack of his pants (as you do in the shorts pic), you actually see the front of his pants.
Were similar fakery found in a spot from, say, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the press would launch a fortnight of finger-wagging, faulting Karl Rove. I'd call it Nixonian--'cpt Tricky Dick knew more about the military and magnetic tape than any lefty.

(via Michelle Malkin and Mark in Mexico)

1 comment:

NotClauswitz said...

Hahahaha! They act so sophisticated, urbane and together with their anarcho-hip, fist-clenching street chants and internet fundraising - but what a bunch of stupid pre-schoolers they show themselves to be!