Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Leftist Turkeys

Update: MoveOn.Org's latest atrocity is here.

Ultra liberal blogger Sally Swift pointed to a new anti-war MoveOn.Org ad contrasting Thanksgiving splendor in the homeland with the privations of our troops in the Middle East. The voice-over blames Bush for "a hundred and fifty thousand American men and women . . . stuck in Iraq," while the camera scans this photo:

(source: MoveOn.Org)

As usual, lefties forget that ours in a voluntary military which overwhelmingly supports continued deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's in part because they rarely meet soldiers, as demonstrated by a Best of the Web reader:
I just got back from my third deployment from Iraq on Friday, and I happened to be at the dentist and saw a completely offensive ad from the idiots at MoveOn.org this morning. Anyway, it is a Bush-bashing ad that pretends to be arguing for American soldiers families as they will miss the holidays and it shows turkey and crying wives and blames Bush for it all. Here is the crucial part of the ad that I would like to bring to your attention. As they pretend to argue on my behalf, they show a group of soldiers standing around a table in the Middle East.

These are not your normal everyday U.S. soldiers though. If you look at the frame they are actually British soldiers. One is in shorts (we don't have shorts as a normal combat uniform) and the others are all clearly wearing British pattern fatigues. So, my point is that these [turkeys] pretend to argue on my behalf and bash the president in the name of my crying wife, and they don't even know what an American soldier looks like! Anyway, it really [ticked] me off.
No wonder lefties like MoveOn.Org don't support the troops--they don't even know them.

Corrected 8:15pm


Anonymous said...

Oh, now that's just being silly! Good catch, you guys. My lord - if you're gonna produce an ad, get the facts right; it makes it look as if they're taking lessons from the Goebbels school of propaganda!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

The reason they don't know them is even more disturbing. I work at a psychiatric hospital where much of the professional staff is quite liberal, while much of the support staff have friends or relatives deployed. Guess who doesn't talk to the others much -- does not even know that husbands or sons are overseas?

Right in front of them, but not the "right sort" of people.

Anonymous said...

That is classic. What would be even more classic would be a counter-ad with the soldier you have featured just ripping Moveon.org hypocrites and telling them to have an idea of at least what an American troop looks like.

Cabe said...

Hilarious stuff!

Anonymous said...

The link under

"overwhelmingly supports continued deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan" doesn't fit.

@nooil4pacifists said...


Actually it does--the pointer is to my comments on Sally's post, time-stamped 6:24pm. That comment, in turn, cites this prior post.

Anonymous said...

Those aren't even US soldiers: the uniforms are British.