Monday, October 31, 2005

MoDo's No Go

The New York Times found an astonishing new niche: their audience wants News for Beautiful People, in first person singular. How else to explain Maureen Dowd's indulgent introspection and drawn-out drivel in the Sunday Magazine:
  • MoDo meets wimps ("He confessed that he had wanted to ask me out on a date when he was between marriages but nixed the idea because my job as a Times columnist made me too intimidating. Men, he explained, prefer women who seem malleable and awed.")

  • MoDo reads romance novels ("Women . . . dream of being rescued - to flirt, to shop, to stay home and be taken care of. They shop for "Stepford Fashions" - matching shoes and ladylike bags and the 50's-style satin, lace and chiffon party dresses featured in InStyle layouts - and spend their days at the gym trying for Wisteria Lane waistlines.")

  • MoDo bemoans fate ("Women moving up still strive to marry up. Men moving up still tend to marry down. The two sexes' going in opposite directions has led to an epidemic of professional women missing out on husbands and kids.")

  • MoDo relives history--as farce ("I was always so proud of achieving more - succeeding in a high-powered career that would have been closed to my great-aunts. How odd, then, to find out now that being a maid would have enhanced my chances with men.")

  • MoDo wants O'Connor's seat ("I figured . . . that America would always be full of passionate and full-throated debate about the big stuff - social issues, sexual equality, civil rights. Little did I realize that the feminist revolution would have the unexpected consequence of intensifying the confusion between the sexes, leaving women in a tangle of dependence and independence as they entered the 21st century.")

  • MoDo blames Social Darwinism ("Men think that women with important jobs are more likely to cheat on them. There it is, right in the DNA: women get penalized by insecure men for being too independent.")
Translators are working overtime, but remain puzzled why women who have it all missed so much--especially Occam's Razor.


My Amusement Park: "I know everyone's going to be talking about how Maureen Dowd's a moron now, but I've been saying it for years. Years."


metanoia2k said...

I find it intresting how you KKKonz so ably cranked out the most absurd conspiracies during the Clinton persecution. Everything from "The Murder of Vince Foster" to Susan McDougal being a Clinton sex-slave. When it comes to the duplicity, schemes and coverups of the Bush Crime Family, however, you KKKonz turn into such innocent doves...

As for your pseudo-intellectual headers, clearly critical thinking is not your strong suit, making your Bushnik toadyism all the more laughable...


@nooil4pacifists said...

Buddy: you got the wrong post and the wrong guy. I've never entertained a conspiracy in my life and as for comparing Clinton-haters with Bush-haters, you lose: NO CONSERVATIVE EVER CALLED CLINTON HITLER.

Return to your crayons, little boy or girl. Nonsense is for DU, not this blog.

NotClauswitz said...

I wouldn't worry about that re-tread. Rip Vanwinkle's stuck way off daylight savings and rambling about events of years gone by.

metanoia2k said...

Hello, KKKonz. Check out the November 2, 2005 hearings of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Jack Abramoff's activities. I especially like the way he launders money from the Indian Casino Tribes to Ralph Reed. Ralph, in turn, "delivers" Evangelical Christians to lobby in favor of Abramoff's cause.

Wow! A bunch of Abramoff's filthy lucre found its way into Alabama, Mississipi, Louisiana and Tex-Ass Republican "Conservative" and "Family Values" front groups...

So you KKKonz sorta kinda maybe think that the stink of the Corruptlican Party is going to be too much for Americans in 2006?


Cheers :))!