Wednesday, August 03, 2005

GWOT Explained

Sigmund, Carl & Alfred posted a two-part Idiot's Guide to the War on Terror in Q&A format; Part 1, Part 2. It's a "must email" to your head-in-the-sand friends and former friends. Some righteous quotes:
  • The war on terror began decades ago, when Islamic clerics, in response to the demands from the Arab leaders and following their lead, began to blame internal failures on America and Israel. Much like their earlier benefactors, the Soviets, truth was not an important consideration. Public consumption and presentation, aided by western 'useful idiots' was the goal. This served to deflect attention away from mass corruption and mass murder inflicted by these regimes.

  • [T]he limited war we are fighting is the wrong war. They are fighting a religious war - we are fighting a war on terror. We aren't even on the same battlefield. The order of business at hand is made more difficult by our refusal to address terror head on.

    There is also the matter of accountability. The radical Islamists/Terrorists have yet connect terror with a cost. That is our fault. As we said earlier, they are fighting a Holy War, complete with religious undertones and overtly with the loud encouragement from some in their clergy. We are fighting that with conventional tools. The Radical Islamists know this and revel in it. As Abu Hamza said, 'We will use your democracy to destroy you."

  • Why are we drawn into this mess? We are a necessary ingredient for the Islamists. They need a devil and Israel isn't a big enough devil. It's the Big Satan, Little Satan thing.

  • [W]hat motivates Al Qaida is no different that what has motivated thousands before them: greed. What they want is power and control, just like they had in Afghanistan. While millions of Afghanis wallowed in misery, the Taliban lived very, very well. Mullah Omar had his palace, harem and satellite TV- not to mention Swiss bank accounts. Al Qaida wants to claim the riches of the Gulf for themselves.

  • How do win the war on terror? There is only one way- we set the rules, we fight it the best way we can and we provide freedom to the vanquished as an alternative. Ask the Germans and the Japanese if that is reasonable.
Read the whole thing, and send it to Moonbats--both parts. Also watch for the promised sequel(s), The Idiot's Guide to the War in Iraq.

Then, read this. And watch the flash video. Now.

(via NIF)


Anonymous said...

Your idiots guide doesn't even identify the enemy. Radical Islamists/Terrorists? Its a pretty vague enemy when you have to use a slash.

So who are we fighting? Al-Qaeda and bin Laden? Affiliated radicals in the Phillippines and Indonesia?Religious radicals in Chechnya fighting their nationalist war? Hamas and Islamic Jihad, also religious radicals fighting a nationalist war?

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, who are religious fundamentalists but currently engaged in peaceful protest? The Saudi government who has allied with Wahabi clerics for the past couple of centuries? All dictatorships in the Middle East, from Egypt to Tunisia? Non-Islamic terrorists like the Tamil Tigers?

We've been fighting a "War on Terror" for four years. All of the above-listed targets have been talked about as potential enemies. Yet, I haven't heard a specific explanation of our enemies from the President. A four year war without a well-defined enemy? Please, before you talk about the war on terror, identify our enemies. Be specific. And tell the President to do the same.

You are talking about a widespread religious war, but I don't think our President is going to be invading Chechnya, Palestine, or Saudi Arabia any time soon. In fact, I don't see any evidence that we are going after anyone but al-Qaeda and small local affiliates in a few scattered countries. This isn't a widespread war.

And I can't help but asking: with so many potential enemies, why would we attack Saddam Hussein who is neither islamist nor terrorist?!

SC&A said...

Please- THINK before you comment, hamburger.

Saddma had been using Islamists and terrorists for years, to serve his own end.

As far as the Muslim Brotherhood, consider using something other than Al jazeera for your info. See this- from someone who really knows.

I'm sure you are a nice guy, mr hamburger, but really, your comments on the middle east are about as relevant as those on the subject of astral projection.