Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Constitution Dream'n; On a Brussels Rainy Day

England Expects rounds-up pols fiddling while Europe burns. My personal favorite is Austrian Foreign Minister Dr. Ursula Plassnik: "the French must tell us what they mean by this vote." Uh, Ursula, baby, what don't you understand about Non? How about: Nein, unmöglichen, nicht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit, keine Wahrscheinlichkeit des Geschehens--keine überhaupt. Das heißt, Fughetaboutit. Get it yet?

As Richard Delevan observes, Ireland's still optimistic; PM Bertie Ahern is:
[S]till committed to the Constitution and I hope all member states are committed to it. Obviously everyone has an obligation before November of next year to ratify the Constitution, so the process will continue.
Which, in my rough translation from Gaelic, means, "the operation was a success, but the patient died."

Delevan's summary is spot-on:
There is much that is good in Europe, and worth fighting for. But the dreaming bureaucrats have so lost touch with the people and their own principles that their arrogance now endangers the whole project.
Democracy is the cure for what ails Europe. I hope the medicine arrives in time.


Gawain Towler said...

I understand that Noel Tracey, Ireland's Europe minister told one Irish paper "We accept the French vote". Like anybody was asking him in the first place, arrogant self centered twerp.

Oh Thanks for the link.

@nooil4pacifists said...

Or like the detached head of Charles I saying, "I accept the primacy of Parliament, Mr. Cromwell."