Sunday, April 17, 2005

Eating its Young

Instapundit links to Will Franklin's round-up of evidence that France is poised to reject the draft EU Constitution despite it having been drafted by former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing.

According to the International Herald Tribune, if the French reject the EU Constitution, as current opinion polls suggest, it "would effectively be dead, and there would be no attempt to resurrect it in the foreseeable future." Good--for Europeans and for the world.


Anonymous said...

I hope Chirac has to go bye bye. He is such a dud! Wouldn't it be nice to say aurevoir to him!Zsa

@nooil4pacifists said...

Sure would, Zsa Zsa. Is it just me, or has France undergone a political inversion similar to that in the United States? After a rough start, all-in-all, Socialist Francois Mitterrand wasn't so bad--and was pro-American. Though he claims he's a "rightist," current President Jacques Chirac is no conservative and no friend to America.