Friday, March 11, 2005

Neos Up, Weasels Down

Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby declares victory:
"It is time to set down in type the most difficult sentence in the English language. That sentence is short and simple. It is this: Bush was right."

Thus spake columnist Richard Gwyn of the Toronto Star, author of such earlier offerings as ''Incurious George W. can't grasp democracy," ''Time for US to cut and run," and, as recently as Jan. 25, ''Bush's hubristic world view."

The Axis of Weasel is crying uncle, and much of the chorus is singing from the same songsheet. . .

For those of us in the War Party, by contrast, these are heady days. If you've agreed with President Bush all along that the way to fight the cancer of Islamist terrorism is with the chemotherapy of freedom and democracy, the temptation to issue I-told-you-so's can be hard to resist.
Instapundit advises calm: "We're just beginning with this. Don't get cocky." It's difficult not to be elated when, as Jacoby says, long-held principles are validated.

I recall my joy when the Berlin Wall crumbled; properly so, in retrospect. So, remembering the old joke, my advice for remaining Bush haters: "that's two."

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