Thursday, March 10, 2005

From the Man Who Brought Us Vietnam

Robert McNamara (first clue)--defense secretary under Kennedy and Johnson (second clue) and founder of the "I voted for it before I voted against it" gang (third clue)--offered advice for the Bush Administration. McNamara spoke on Wednesday in San Francisco (fourth clue) before the World Affairs Council (fifth clue), a think tank favoring policies like this:
China and Cuba gain support in Latin America because they understand an important truth that seems to elude America -- alliances are not won with sporadic aid but with comprehensive problem-solving. Even for America's historic allies, Chinese and Cuban partnerships are preferable to seemingly vague American rhetoric about "freedom" and "democracy."
Anyway, McNamara suggested that, "the threat of terrorists using a nuclear device could be reduced if the United States in particular tried to understand terrorists' anger and motivations."

Uh, Bob--you been asleep these past few months?

(via Best of the Web)

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