Thursday, October 28, 2004

Campaign--Night One

[previous post in series here]

Arrived at hotel 30 seconds before the Red Sox won the series. An hour later, in my ticky-tacky room, I can still hear revelers from the sports bar across the street. I'd been a Sox fan since the last year they played the Cardinals in October (1967). And I missed the entire game--and the moment.

Now, I'm worried the victory helps Kerry. Is that crazy? What if Boston turns into an orgy of drunken fire-starters and car-turner-overs, as it well might? Will that help President Bush? How about the apparently imminent death of Yasser Arafat--will that help or hurt the President? And what does it mean when some nut-job attempts vehicular homicide on Katherine Harris?

Two questions:
  1. Is it ghoulish or foolish to view otherwise important events solely in the context of re-election?

  2. How the hell does Lileks manage to chronicle the ordinary and make it so damned interesting?
Sleep clearly needed; less grumpy, and more informative tomorrow, I promise.

[Series continues here.]

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