Sunday, July 25, 2010

Program Notes

Still ringing; little writing. Last week's test showed a 50 dB hearing "notch" (loss) at 3.9 kHz--which is how loud the ringing appears to me. And it was normal just three weeks ago. . .


MaxedOutMama said...

Best of luck. Since onset was associated with a root canal, have doctors verified that there is no infection?

That sounds extraordinarily disturbing, particularly the concentration deficit. Obviously the hearing loss does not bode well.

@nooil4pacifists said...

M_O_M: That's the first thing I suspected and the doctors investigated. Indeed, I put myself on an antibiotic and Prednisone almost immediately--even before my first visit to an ENT doctor. But neither has helped, and the MRI showed no obvious abscess or infection. Both the symptoms and the absence of an obvious course of treatment are "extraordinarily disturbing," if not profoundly depressing.