Monday, May 31, 2010

Bumper Sticker of the Day

Seen on -- get this! -- a Toyota Prius parked at Whole Foods -- by TigerHawk:

source: TigerHawk

As TigerHawk says, "If you've lost the Whole Foods-shopping Prius-driving voter, you've lost liberal America."


Marc said...

A conservative friend may have put the bumper sticker on the guys car as a prank.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

That would be a dangerous thing to do among peace-loving liberals.

Though they'd more likely key your car than confront you.

MaxedOutMama said...

Maybe the bumpersticker is celebrating Obama's agenda instead of deriding it!

And thank you for this post, because I got quite a laugh out of it.

Geoffrey Britain said...

And I don't do bumper stickers but I want one!

Anonymous said...

MY wife's Prius, bought solely for its 50 mpg fuel range, sports this license plate frame: "Global Warming: a Lot of Hot Air". I can't stand the idea that people think we got the car because we believe in AGW.

Bob Cosmos said...

I sort of agree with MoM -- there is a fair chance a liberal would believe the image is pro-Obama. Some might even celebrate his firm communinistic socialist statist mentalisty. The idiots.

Anyway Carl -- thanks for sharing.

Chris Muir said...

That is a FINE bumper sticker!