Yes, it wasn't just increased energy efficiency--the recession's effect on GDP growth likely contributed to the cut. But that just underscores the devastating economic consequences of cutting carbon:
Some economic models find that target impossible to reach without drastic action, like cutting the world population by a third. Other models show that achieving the target by a high CO2 tax would reduce world GDP a staggering 12.9% in 2100--the equivalent of $40 trillion a year.Remind me again why Obama's pushing "cap-and-trade" and flirting with a "Kyoto II" while simultaneously trying to recover from recession? Oh, yeah: socialism.
Appearance, not reality.
That too.
> while simultaneously trying to recover from recession? Oh, yeah: socialism.
Cluelessness. Sheer, utter cluelessness.
Either on the part of supporters or on the part of the admin, or some admixture of both.
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