Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tales from Multi-Culti Land

UPDATE: below

Canada continues to be a beacon for free speech. Not (emphasis added):
Another anti-Semitic incident took place in a Canadian university Thursday when over 100 anti-Israel activists surrounded a campus building belonging to the Jewish student club 'Hillel' at York University, Toronto. The activists pounded on office doors while yelling out racial slurs.

Campus security was forced to alert police to restore order and the latter demanded that the offices be shut down.
This is called a "heckler's veto." It is unconstitutional in the United States--but a de rigeur response to Islamic thuggery in Canada, and now in India too.


AVI in comments: "Progressives believe their world-view will bring comity. When it doesn't, they blame reality, not their theory."

(via American Thinker, Mere Rhetoric, The Corner, Volokh Conspiracy)


Geoffrey Britain said...

Ah. Canada has decided that if the Muslim's have nothing to be upset about, they will behave themselves.

The goal being that multiculturalism can continue unabated. Unfortunately, multiculturalism itself, indeed any non-Islamic culture is an 'offense' against Islam.

Evidently Canada hasn't learned the kindergarten lesson: Give a mouse a cookie...and he's going to want a glass of milk.

OBloodyHell said...

> Evidently Canada hasn't learned the kindergarten lesson: Give a mouse a cookie...and he's going to want a glass of milk.

...AND cookies for his friends.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Their beef isn't with Israel, but with reality. Progressives believe their world-view will bring comity. When it doesn't, they blame reality, not their theory.