Saturday, January 24, 2009


Sixteen year-old Disney star Demi Lovato, who performed at the "Kids' Inaugural" on Monday, about the change she expects from Obama:
I hope that the war resolves. Whether we win or lose or whatever, it doesn't matter. I hope that it just ends.
(via Don Surber on Big Hollywood)


OBloodyHell said...

> Whether we win or lose or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Ah, an idiot speaks out. What light from yonder ear breaks? It is the east, and the sun beyond!

Some people really need to experienece loss at some point in their lives to grasp what it really means. This idiot needs to be dumped in Darfur, alone and without an entourage for a week or two.

@nooil4pacifists said...

Isn't the solution even easier?--have her do a book report on WWII.