President Bush was given an Iraqi-journalist-style sendoff on his last full day in office Monday, as tourists and demonstrators lobbed shoes, pumps, boots, sandals and Crocs from Pennsylvania Avenue onto the White House lawn. . .(The Secret Service arrested one man who threw a shoe onto the other side of the White House lawn.)
Medea Benjamin, a cofounder of the antiwar group CODEPINK, said the protest was a way to "get the Bush era out of your intestines."
"I was a little reluctant because I want to be in a positive mood," she said. "I don't want to be seen as doing something violent. The shoe-throwing is borderline, but the intent is to insult, not to hurt. There's a fine line."
Once all the shoes had been tossed onto the White House lawn, the officers collected them and piled them into the back of a small truck. "The next person who throws them gets arrested," said one, though the entire pile had already been thrown.
Also, at Tuesday's Heroes Red, White & Blue Inaugural Ball honoring veterans:
a vocalist with George Clinton and the P. Funk All-Stars held up a white towel with large block letters saying "[Expletive] GEORGE."Imagine the fuss had conservatives tossed blue dresses at the Clinton White House. And right-wing musical parodies eschew expletives and actually are clever.
(via The Corner, twice)
I am thinking about a sore winners/sore losers post to contrast behaviors in 1992-2008. I am not sure I'm going to be able to put it in a way that the folks who need to think about it can hear it. Because my point is that progressives' impression that conservatives have been the offenders is not backed up by measurable reality, I expect an immediate reaction against the concept right out of the box.
I agree with your impression, which is best documented by Ann Coulter in her various books--the best example being the left's unwillingness to acknowledge the ~$20k of damages the departing Clinton staff left for W. But I also despair of ever persuading progressives. . .
I'm really tired of childish, Bush-bashing, loudmouthed liberals. I hope they'll finally shut up, having gotten what they apparently wanted.
I hope conservatives don't take the same approach to Obama, although that seems unlikely. I'd really like to have a little peace and civility in our public discourse for a change.
TC, most conservatives have been good--thankfully. Yet no one should confuse civility with bi-partisanship, which is as mythical as the unicorn.
AVI's post is here.
> TC, most conservatives have been good--thankfully. Yet no one should confuse civility with bi-partisanship, which is as mythical as the unicorn.
No, there's a greater chance of the unicorn actually existing at some point in human history.
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