Thursday, September 13, 2007


Matt Labash in the September 17th Weekly Standard:
Since the advent of modern management consulting, a chapter that arguably began with the founding of the industry's 800-lb gorilla, McKinsey & Company, in the 1920s, the business world has cleaved into two halves: Those paid to work for a living, and those paid to come to your office, take lots of notes, run up expenses on your dime, and then file reports in impenetrable consultant-ese describing your shortcomings--how, for instance, you failed to incentivize your brand pyramid and now need to drill down on the granularity of your mind-share while on-ramping your knowledge-process outsourcing.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Whoa. Thanks for that granularity tip. I was wondering what was going wrong.

Anonymous said...

I like LaBash.

You want a great, if long, read, do a search on "Inside the District's Red Lights" -- a great 5-part piece he did some years back on the scam of red-light traffic cams for the Standard. It's well worth the time to read it, I promise.

Red Light cams are a complete scam. They exist for NO reason other than to line a municipal government's pockets. Don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise.