Sunday, July 22, 2007


Martin Durkin, producer of the British documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle," quoted in The Australian, July 21, 2007:
Why are the global warmers so zealous? After a year of arguing with people about this, I am convinced that it's because global warming is first and foremost a political theory. It is an expression of a whole middle-class political world view. This view is summed up in the oft-repeated phrase "we consume too much". I have also come to the conclusion that this is code for "they consume too much". People who believe it tend also to think that exotic foreign places are being ruined because vulgar oiks can afford to go there in significant numbers, they hate plastic toys from factories and prefer wooden ones from craftsmen, and so on.

All this backward-looking bigotry has found perfect expression in the idea of man-made climate disaster. It has cohered a bunch of disparate reactionary prejudices (anti-car, anti-supermarkets, anti-globalisation) into a single unquestionable truth and cause. So when you have a dig at global warming, you commit a grievous breach of social etiquette. Among the chattering classes you're a leper.

Freedomnow says in comments, "It is a rush to war on C02 and all data is politically manipulated to support it."


Stan said...

It seems they have, to a large extent, silenced critical opposition to man-made global warming by successfully labeling it fatuous.

In twenty years, when their hysterical predictions have yet to occur, they can easily postpone them and dissuade criticism thanks to better technology.

Freedomnow said...

I've only recently come to the conclusion that it is impossible for C02 to be the cause of global warming. Al Gore's movie was the catalyst.

I look at everything that Prez Bush was accused of in the lead up to the liberation of Iraq. The reason that Leftists are so familiar with these tactics is clear upon examination of their embracement of C02 hysteria.

It is a rush to war on C02 and all data is politically manipulated to support it.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

My recent comments on environmentalists
are similar. I don't pretend to know the science, but I'm pretty good and seeing who's fighting fair and who's covering up the uncomfortable. Freedomnow's observation that the progressives' readiness to accuse others of deceit may be tied up with their own self-knowledge is one that bears repeating. They believe their opponents are manipulative and deceitful because that is what they find in themselves, and cannot face.

Anonymous said...

Of course it is preposterous to think that the climate could EVER change. Silly liberals and hippies

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Anonymous, I guess you couldn't debate our actual argument, so you had to make one up to knock down instead.

Pick up your consolation prize on the way out.

Freedomnow said...


The climate has changed from ice age to much hotter than now many times over without humanity's help.

That is the crux of the dishonesty of you political hacks who ridicule debate as ignorant.

Since there is no doubt that we are experiencing global warming you guys want to shut down the debate (“the debate is over”) and blame humanity for a natural phenomenon. Just because global warming is occurring, that doesn’t mean that C02 must be the cause.

When Al Gore presented his data from ancient ice samples his findings proved that C02 has not been the historical cause of global warming because increases in C02 only occur as a result of global warming. This increase in C02 always follows increases in temperatures and therefore it is impossible for C02 to retroactively cause global warming. In order for C02 to have been the cause of global warming it should have occurred before the warming - not after.

Save your hysterics for the sheep.