Saturday, June 23, 2007

Search for the Real Killers

If O.J. can find him each time he shaves, why can't the mainstream media? True, most Washington reporters have beards -- Cokie Roberts included -- but they could instead read Professor Engram:

Sunni militant groups in Iraq can be broken down into two main organizations:
1. terrorists: al Qaeda and their affiliated religious radicals (collectively known as the Islamic State of Iraq). They are terrorists because they deliberately target and indiscriminately slaughter innocent civilians.

2. insurgents: former Baathists fighting to regain the power they once enjoyed (the main group being the Islamic Army of Iraq). They are not terrorists because, for the most part, they attack U.S. and Iraqi security forces.

The mainstream media bizarrely lumps these two groups together and calls them all "insurgents" or "militants," but if you have a brain, you should use it and keep the two groups separate.

How does that ancient syllogism go?

  • All men with brains distinguish between "insurgents" and "militants."

  • The MSM doesn't distinguish between "insurgents" and "militants."

  • Therefore, . . .

Brought to you by Modus tollens. Look it up.

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