Tuesday, May 15, 2007

State of Denial

As many know, today is the 59th anniversary of the founding of the Palestinian state. And we all know how well that went. Ba dum pa. (I play the Boom Boom Room every Friday.)

But seriously folks, "Tuesday, May 15, is the 59th anniversary of the day Israel was established" following the November 1947 UN Partition. To repeat, the land was apportioned between a Jewish and a Palestinian state. Surely you heard about it; it was in all the papers. So, they had a state--six decades ago. But the Palestinians coveted all of Israel--and decided they "would rather murder than share." Just as, a few years later, no Arab blinked when Jordan annexed the rump Palestine--which persisted until multiple Arab nations invaded Israel in 1967.

Neither Arabs nor Palestinians favored a "two state solution" then; they still want it all -- and the destruction of Israel -- today. Don't live -- as the Palestinians do -- in a state of denial; deal with it.


Victor Davis Hanson in NRO:
Tens of millions of Muslims emigrating to the United States and Europe, while very few Westerners reside in the Middle East, is deemed "occupying our lands." Israel, the biblical home of the Jews, and subsequently claimed for centuries by Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, Ottomans, and English is "occupied by crusader infidels" -- as if the entire world is to accept that world history began only in the seventh century A.D.
And the "Religion of Peace" yesterday in Karachi, Pakistan:

(source: Getty Images via LGF)


The Palestinian refugees have been kept in a state of misery by the fellow-Arabs among whom they’ve stayed for decades (and now generations) as a sort of prominent window display of suffering. The goal? To prove Israeli perfidy, deflect attention from Arab failings, and get the world’s attention and sympathy.

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