Friday, October 27, 2006

And She's A Yankee's Fan Too

According to the November 6th National Review (on dead tree; subscription only),
Lest you doubt Hillary is running in '08, she's now wearing a cross. What's she going to do next, bake cookies?


Da Weaz said...

BFD. Say something original. The idiocy has to stop. Maybe that's why the blog is dying. As people have awoken, the smiles of retards look a lot less appealing. Hoping for a stolen vote? Sure you are. That's what you people are: America hating fascists.

Nice life.

Who do you hate next? Gays? Try you're whole fucking administration.

Get over it.

OBloodyHell said...
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OBloodyHell said...

> Try you're whole

Well, these "retards" know which "you're" to use. At least you spelled "whole" correctly. BWAAAAhahahahahahaaaa. Idiot.

> Say something original.

Sez the man belonging to the group that can't let go of "Bush lied"....

I think pointing out to all and sundry (yes, DO go look up that phrase) that Hillary is a pandering demagogue that is to Rush Limbaugh what Kofi Annan was to Ken Lay is something well worth pointing out. But that's just li'l' ol' 'tard me.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe you should look at Pat Buchanan. Your reps are no better.

Anonymous said...

I'm just surprised the cross Hillary is wearing hasn't burned her flesh ...

As for the nauseating use of the term "retard" and "retarded" by posters on various blog sites ... as the parent of a Down Syndrome child who is very bright, beautiful and smart I take great pride and joy in my child's lack of idiocy I see in what is considered "normal" people.

As for hating "gays", perhaps we should start by doing away with hating the "retarded" ... I mean, how many medical tests are there for pregnant women to see if they are carrying a "gay" fetus ... you know, so they can exercise their "right to choose" ...??