Friday, November 18, 2005

In Praise of Indecency

Once again, decency is a hot topic on the Hill and at the FCC. Too bad it's mostly a waste of time. Don't get me wrong--the obscene and indecent have no place on entertainment designed for, or habitually seen by, minors. But the Supreme Court properly held that defining obscenity by reference to minors would "reduce the adult population . . . to reading only what is fit for children. . . Surely, this is to burn the house to roast the pig." And today, with "channel lockout" technology available on both cable and satellite, and a lessened concern outside of free over-the-air broadcasting, much of the debate is silly and moot.

I've a professional interest in the question -- and expect to be immersed starting January 1st when keeping Howard Stern on the air becomes part of my responsibilities. Still, I'd like to think my work hasn't biased my opinion. And I'd also like to think mine the conservative position on decency. Anyone agree?


Stan said...

I agree on principle, but like most people, I don't like the idea of all that indecency broadcasting its way into millions of homes.

OBloodyHell said...

It should be, but isn't.

The only legitimate complaint I have yet heard of is, for an example, on FX, which aired some moderately suggestive commericals for the excellent but clearly adult-oriented show "Nip/Tuck" during the more family viewing hours from 7pm to 9pm.