Monday, October 24, 2005


Greg at What Attitude Problem? supports Harriet Miers and, in comments below, argues bloggers, especially NZ Bear, have "lost all sense of proportion":
The so-called tally being assembled in TTLB carried no validity -- nor would it were the numbers reversed – simply because the bloggers in the TTLB represent such a minuscule -- indeed, infinitesimal -- portion of the overall voter base that elected the President. Everybody needs to back off and let the process go forward. That's what it is designed for and intended to do. But go ahead and make your stand. Forgive me if I'm less than impressed.
Huh? Yes I'm against confirming Harriet. I'm aware that I'm just a blogger. Obviously NZ Bear's self-selecting scorecard isn't a statistically valid tally of conservatives, Republicans or voters.

No one asserts otherwise. Only Senators vote. Bloggers aim to persuade. We may fail.1 But, contrary to your intimation, debate in the blogosphere isn't obstructing the Constitutional process. So, Greg, quit jousting at straw-men.

Greg's second argument -- urging the anti-Miers set to "back off" and await hearings -- concededly is plausible and rational. And it's substantially more measured than the response from the Administration and the party, as John Fund detailed in today's WSJ:
Many longtime supporters of President Bush have been startled to get phone calls from allies of the president strongly implying that a failure to support Ms. Miers will be unhealthy to their political future. "The message in Texas is, if you aren't for this nominee, you are against the president," one conservative leader in that state told me. The pressure has led to more resentment than results.
On a much lower level, I've seen similar arm-twisting.

Still, here I stand. And comparing rival lobby groups, the "nays" have the better argument, for several reasons:
  1. Why not the best?: Even her most ardent supporters don't claim Harriet's the most qualified nominee (or even, for the sake of argument, the top female choice). Roberts is a stud; Harriet's a dud. Why isn't that enough to nix her?

  2. Skill set: A shorthand job description for Associate Justice is: 1) read; 2) reason; 3) resolve; and 4) write. Does Miers measure-up?

  3. Keeping promises: Bush repeatedly vowed to nominate only "strict constructionists" in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. I've met Miers, Thomas and Scalia--Harriet can't hold a candle to either. As Feddie at Confirm Them says, "What’s the point of continuing to elect Republicans . . .when they fail to deliver on their promises?"

  4. Why give Dems a gun?: While Democrats try turning every institution into a racial and gender "Bantustan," Republicans are the party of principle and meritocracy--not cronies or quotas:
    Democrats, with their zest for gender politics, need this reminder: To give a woman a seat on a crowded bus because she is a woman is gallantry. To give a woman a seat on the Supreme Court because she is a woman is a dereliction of senatorial duty. It also is an affront to mature feminism, which may bridle at gallantry but should recoil from condescension.
    Confirmation would sanction similar less-than-stellar one-from-column-A, one-from-column-B nominations for a future Democrat President. Why set an unprincipled precedent here?

  5. Hearings won't help--and could hurt: The upcoming Senate Judiciary hearings are scant comfort. The Roberts confirmation firmly established a nominee's right to be silent on cases and doctrines and shielded from Senatorial fantasies:
    Until now, the judicial confirmation process has never been seen as one where senators can reject a qualified nominee on the ground that he or she isn't the nominee the senators wanted, or the one the senators consider the best.
    So, should Miers answer only "legitimate" questions, a homerun is impossible. But should she expound, she surrenders the precedent (potentially imperiling future originalist nominees). Still worse, given Miers's Constitutional experience, she increases the risk of an all-too-public strikeout. Which could cripple the Administration's legislative agenda.

1 Might it be working?:
Strategists working with the White House in support of the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers are becoming increasingly demoralized and pessimistic about the nomination's prospects on Capitol Hill in the wake of Miers's meetings with several Republican and Democratic senators.
FYI--don't seek solace in actual independent surveys. Or the Senate. Or -- could it be true? -- the White House?

(via Instapundit, Right Wing News, The Volokh Conspiracy and Jonah Goldberg)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.

I'm still in the wait and see crowd, but I confess the farther we get into the this the more I wonder if there will be anything to see.

I'm not interested in supporting an unknown. Not here.