Actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who said last year she would not raise her child in the United States because her homeland is too dangerous, has changed her mind. . . "I'm sticking around."In January 2004, she said: "I worry about bringing up a child in America.
"At the moment there's a weird, over-patriotic atmosphere over there, like, 'We're number one and the rest of the world doesn't matter.' . . .
'(Last year), I just had a baby and thought, 'I don't want to live there.' Bush's anti-environment, pro-war policies are a (disgrace).'"
The question is: should we allow Paltrow to return? Vote in the comments.
(via NIF)
Yeah, let her come back and blend in with the other hollywood socialist lunatics and say more stupid things about the country who let her come back.
She'll straighten outwhen she hits 40- and reality hits. Let her back
No, Appel8 has it right ... could we really stop her even if we wanted to?
While I would love to say keep her out, primarily on principle (hold people to their words) ... this is America, we let anyone in (intentionally or not).
... NIF
PS - thanks for the linkage!
I don't think she's important enough to matter either way.
Let her back in - maybe the kid will grow up sane. Given the way things usually work, the kid will grow up, rebel against his mother, and decide to make the military his or her career.
That will probably be the first apple (or Apple) in the military. Apples don't fall far from the trees!
Apropos of your other post "Danger Will Robinson!CAUTION: disturbing hyperlinks," if she strips she can stay. The others to whom you have linked, however, should leave.
Carl, there are free services out there for polling. I took the liberty of picking one and setting it up sorta using your name, I'm gonna e-mail you the data to access it and take over it, so you can edit it, including delete it if you don't like it.
It's REALLY easy to do in a simple manner (you can get sophisticated if you want, but likely not).
Here is the link, though:
Return? This question is unclear.
If it was say...return for burial - sure, no problem. I love packing cemetaries with dead moonbats - best place for'em I think.
An ambulatory return? This is a stickier proposition...
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