Monday, September 12, 2005

Ever Widening Incompetence

Louisiana's Democratic Senator is no more competent than the state's governor or the mayor of New Orleans. The Daily Howler spotted evidence from Senator Mary Landrieu's own mouth, interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday:
WALLACE: Senator Landrieu, I want to ask you — and I'll ask you both, but let me start with you — about the local response.

Was it incompetent and insulting for Mayor Ray Nagin to order a mandatory evacuation, but then to leave buses — and we have a picture of them — hundreds of buses idle, so that they could be flooded, instead of using them to get people out.

LANDRIEU: Well, Chris, I was there, as you know, through the whole ordeal with state and local officials, and was right there with Louisiana Democrats and Republicans, city council members, police chiefs, mayors, the governors, and could watch what Haley Barbour was doing and Governor Riley in Alabama.

I am not going to level criticism at the local level. These people did...

WALLACE: But I'd like you to answer, if you could, this one specific question.

LANDRIEU: Well, I will. I will answer it. I am not going to level criticism at local and state officials. Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, let alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane. And it's because this administration and administrations before them do not understand the difficulties that mayors — whether they are in Orlando, Miami, or New Orleans — face.


LANDRIEU: In other words, this administration did not believe in mass transit. They won't even get people to work on a sunny day, let alone getting them out...

WALLACE: But Senator, there were hundreds of buses sitting in that parking lot. Can I just ask the question?

LANDRIEU: You can, but let me finish, if I could, please.


WALLACE: Well, look in the picture here. There were hundreds of buses in parking lots. The city and the state.

LANDRIEU: That is underwater. Those...

WALLACE: It wasn't underwater before the...

LANDRIEU: Those buses were underwater. Those buses...

WALLACE: They weren't underwater on Saturday; they weren't underwater on Sunday.
Blaming under-funded mass transit for stranding school busses in ten feet of flood water? Read the whole transcript, especially where the Senatorial finger-pointer-in-chief performs a flip-flop worthy of John Kerry:
  • Senator Landrieu on the floor of the Senate, September 8th:
    I intend to find out why the federal response — particularly the response of FEMA—was so incompetent and insulting to the people of our states.
  • Senator Landrieu on Fox News Sunday, September 11th:
    Everyone will be held accountable. The president himself will be held accountable. This administration; I will be held accountable; Senator Vitter will be held accountable; and all state and local officials. Now is not the time for finger-pointing. Now is the time to rebuild. So, I'm asking the White House to stop sending out press releases blaming local and state officials.
(via Daily Howler via Jonah Goldberg)

1 comment:

SC&A said...

Hell, she couldn't get elected to begin with, remember?

Backroom deals, runoffs...