Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Arrogant Assumptions

IraqPundit fisks anti-American blogger and Professor Juan Cole to within an inch of his life:
Cole can present himself as an Iraq expert because he spent time in nearby countries. That's all the respect he has for his region of expertise. In one stupid sentence, he lumps all the Arabs in one pile. Because I'm Iraqi, I might as well be Lebanese or Egyptian? Most of us would not dare present ourselves as an experts on neighbouring countries.

But not Cole. He is the spokesman for Iraq. He even trashes the neoconservatives for their wishing for a democratic Iraq. For all their serious flaws, at least they respect Iraqis enough to know we can live in a democracy. Not Cole. The supposed expert thinks we are so unsophisticated that we need to be controlled by a dictator.
(via Instapundit)


SC&A said...

I have to come clean- when it comes to Juan Cole, I just can't get past the fact that I believe he's an absolute degenerate, lying, pig, who has the temerity to pass himself off as credible.

Can anyone explain to me how he ended up on Charlie Rose?

@nooil4pacifists said...

Uh, how about "because he's a degenerate, lying, pig?"