Thursday, August 18, 2005

Perfect Together

According to Claudia Rosset in the WSJ:
Since the Oil for Food program came to an end in 2003, it has been described--accurately enough--as oil for palaces, oil for terror and oil for fraud. Now it turns out the U.N. relief program in Iraq was also oil for Enron.

Among the great scams of our time, there's a near-poetic inevitability to the convergence of the twain. When I first wrote about Oil for Food on these pages, almost three years ago, the analogy that came instantly to mind was Enron. Lo! Much scandal and many questions later, investigators for Rep. Henry Hyde's International Relations Committee have unearthed documents showing that shortly before Enron imploded in late 2001, the company, among its other deals, was shelling out millions, some of it into Swiss bank accounts, to buy Iraqi crude exported by Saddam under Oil for Food.
Talk about harmonic convergence.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

Carl, one thing I never never expected to read about on your blog was harmonic convergence.

But you're right. Enron, the UN and Saddam Hussein - so perfect together.