Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Not Neutral: Negative

Remember the "gender gap?" Women voters were supposed to usher in a Democratic victory, until President Bush closed the gap to three points in 2004. Well, now there's a religion gap--and it favors Republicans:
Democrats' efforts to improve their image with religious voters after the 2004 presidential election appear to be getting off to a bumpy start.

Fewer people see Democrats as friendly to religion now than felt that way a year ago, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
The Pew results suggest religion is far more reliable predictor of voting patterns than gender:

(source: Pew Poll, Aug. 30, 2005)

No surprise to anyone listening to the Dems or the MSM since 1980. Though they claim neutrality, when it comes to religion, leftists just say no.


Kobayashi Maru's joke anticipated the Pew results, sort of.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a better question is- party's attitude toward Christian teachings?

I think Jesus said to help the poor; he praised the Samaritan over the pious Phillistines who walked on by. He told us that what we do unto the least of our brethren, we do unto him. Which party is most hostile to that message? Neither are currently exemplars, but one wants to disable the program that has performed the Christian job of lifting more widows and children from poverty than any other.

(And please, leave aside your fanatic's cooked numbers- we all know Social Security would be okay if everyone had to pay in, not just working families.)

@nooil4pacifists said...

Step away from the keyboard; keep your hands where I can see 'um.