Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Complete the Mission

The Bush Doctrine in a nutshell:
The terrorists who attacked us — and the terrorists we face — murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent. Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny and oppression — by toppling governments, driving us out of the region, and exporting terror.

To achieve these aims, they have continued to kill — in Madrid, Istanbul, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Bali, and elsewhere. The terrorists believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent, and with a few hard blows they can force us to retreat. They are mistaken. . .

Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. Many terrorists who kill innocent men, women, and children on the streets of Baghdad are followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home. . .

Our mission in Iraq is clear. We are hunting down the terrorists. We are helping Iraqis build a free nation that is an ally in the war on terror. We are advancing freedom in the broader Middle East. We are removing a source of violence and instability — and laying the foundation of peace for our children and our grandchildren.

The work in Iraq is difficult and dangerous. Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed. Every picture is horrifying — and the suffering is real. . .

Some of the violence you see in Iraq is being carried out by ruthless killers who are converging on Iraq to fight the advance of peace and freedom. Our military reports that we have killed or captured hundreds of foreign fighters in Iraq who have come from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and other nations. They are making common cause with criminal elements, Iraqi insurgents, and remnants of Saddam Hussein’s regime who want to restore the old order. They fight because they know that the survival of their hateful ideology is at stake. They know that as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions across the Middle East to claim their liberty as well. And when the Middle East grows in democracy, prosperity, and hope, the terrorists will lose their sponsors, lose their recruits, and lose their hopes for turning that region into a base for attacks on America and our allies around the world.
Hugh Hewitt commends the President's focus:
[T]he key point in the speech, the key point in the debate, and the president's clarity in making it made it a very successful speech. Over and over again he and his Administration, his supporters and the military must make that point again and again: It is all one war.


SC&A said...

This is prime rig that needs no steak sauce or horseradish sauce.

The last link ("agreed") is laser like.

Anonymous said...


We should stay the course, and longterm I think this is the best way to deal with situations like Darfur. Otherwise there will just be another Darfur.

It is critical at this time to stiffen our backbone in this thing. To give no quarter to any terrorist is to give strength to every effort to make justice prevail throughout the area.

I still support our presidents efforts.

@nooil4pacifists said...

Agreed again. We can't afford another Darfur--much less another WTC or Pentagon. The risk has nothing to do with U.S. oil interests. I wish laser-like-links alone were sufficient. Bush, thankfully, understands they're not.

Anonymous said...

What efforts? To enrich Halliburton? To inflame the entire world? Gee, I guess he's been successful. Too bad that Iraq would have been better off, had we not invaded. Now Iran's hand is strengthened, we are about to get an Islamic Republic in Iraq and Women in that sad country are headed back under the Burqa. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the country is more divided, the debt level climbs and fewer and fewer people support this debacle. For the 101st Keyboard Battalion, I ask: Why are you here and not in IraqMire? Can the US Treasury expect your check to offset the massive amount of debt this war is going to be shoved down our kids throats?

Worst yet, this disaster is making Vietnam look like a good idea. The only "hateful" people I see are the one's trashing those of us who dissent from your leader's policies! No WMD, no links to Al-Qaeda, no Jeffersonian democracy (actually it's a DeMock-Racy) in Iraqmire and all we have is Bush's lies!