Monday, May 02, 2005

Despite, Not Because

Gerad Baker in the Weekly Standard about next week's British election in the midst of deep dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Tony Blair:
[P]erhaps strangely to American observers, if Labour wins, as it is universally expected to, it will be in spite of, not because of, Blair, a bruised and battered prime minister. When he steps down some time in the next few years . . ., he will depart unmourned in Britain, unloved by his own party--despite leading it to once unimaginable success--and despised by his opponents.

There is something tragic about this enforced twilight of Blair's career. He started out in 1997 with a reputation as a slightly slippery figure, a clever, unprincipled, poll-driven political huckster. But the cause of his undoing was a courageous decision to support President Bush against his party, half his government, and the bulk of his people, in a worthy and honorable campaign to rid the world of a dangerous menace and liberate 25 million people. He deserves better than the Pyrrhic victory he will win this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem so nutty to me. Pat expressed his opinion and framed it as such. Moonbats tend to warp actual facts and distort truth and tell outright lies.

Thats a big difference.

So why does Pat Robertson state judges are more dangerous to America than terrorists? Because he believes that America can only be destroyed from within. Certainly many would view this as correct. At the very least the point is arguable. Certainly terrorists can inflict damage and harm on us but does anyone ever believe they will defeat us militarily? Of course not.

So if one argues that America can only be defeated from within one has to identify a possible enabler of that defeat.

In Pat's view when one erodes and eventually defeats the moral high standing that he regards America as having, then one has enabled its defeat.

The enabler of that is judges in his view. For in his opinion, he thinks if America loses her Christian fundemental beliefs and system of strong moral values, than what is the point of America anymore?

And just as an afterthought which type of judge do you suppose the Islamists would welcome and support? In fact which types of judges do you see Islamists condemning?

I will give you the answer: Islamists quietly support liberal judges who they see as helping destroy the "conservative" fabric of America. Once the moral fabric of America is stripped, they can move in and effectively feed like a parasite until the the parasite kills the host.

What do you suppose is happening in France and Europe?

Is Pat Robertson so wrong in the end?