Sunday, April 24, 2005

Gimme Some of that Old-Time Secularism!

NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd in Rome, embodying Manhattan media insularity:
W.'s Doberman [Vice President Cheney] and John Paul's "God's Rottweiler," as the new pope was called, are both global enforcers with cult followings. Just as the vice president acted to solidify the view of America as a hyperpower, so the new pope views the Roman Catholic Church as the one true religion. He once branded other faiths as deficient.
Later in that article, Dowd says, "Moral absolutism is relative, after all."

(via The Corner)


Ms Dowd should read Cao'sblog.

1 comment:

MaxedOutMama said...

Unbelievable. The woman is really bats.