Thursday, March 10, 2005

No Answer

Last week, every lamppost in Washington displayed posters from peacenik Answer.Org touting an upcoming protest on the second anniversary of the Iraq invasion here in Washington. I briefly considered tearing-down each sign, before being overcome by the magnitude of the task. Oh, I also remembered my deep dedication to . . . cough . . . the First Amendment. Yeah, that was it.

I'm glad I ignored Answer's ads--because Answer's decided to ignore me. Quietly, without press coverage I can find, the Washington event's been canceled. It's disappeared down the memory hole: compare the current press release with Google's cache.

Answer's state-by-state event list for DC now reads:

CONTACT: 202-544-3389
The site links to another Answer page, saying:
Get on the bus to the March 19 protest in Fayetteville, NC

The DC A.N.S.W.E.R. office will be sponsoring buses to Fayetteville, North Carolina for the regional demonstration near Ft. Bragg, part of a Global Day of Action. Details of the buses are below.
What's the significance? Simple: in the past month, the mood and view of Washington officials and media dramatically has shifted towards Bush. Answer probably feared low turnout and governmental/media indifference.

What a change. Washington, D.C.--previously the epicenter of liberalism--is now hostile territory. Think about it: DC's lefties will be bused to North Carolina. Not only is NC a red state, it's also the origin of court-ordered school forced-busing. And they'll be whining outside Ft. Bragg, the "Home of the Airborne and Special Operations Forces." Don't tell Answer, but Special Ops' mission is "to disrupt, defeat, and destroy terrorist networks that threaten the United States, its citizens and interests worldwide." Heh, heh, heh. . .

I couldn't be happier.

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