Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Sound of Silence

Tolerance in Toledo:
Rossford High School officials were considering letting a Christian rock band play during an anti-drug assembly next week, but decided yesterday to cancel the performance because of concerns over having religious music played in a public school. . . "We are just shutting the whole thing down," Rossford Superintendent Luci Gernot said. "There is some controversy, and I'd rather err on this side."
Students would have been permitted to op-out of hearing the band. But, as Clinton Cramer observes, the specter of an ACLU challenge forced the Superintendent to rescind the invitation.

Last time I checked, the Constitution didn't outlaw sound waves containing "Jesus." Freedom of Religion doesn't demand a cone of silence. Unless it's in one of them new-fangled penumbras.

Worse than idiotic Constitutional interpretation, Ms Gernot's decision exhibits a total lack of common sense. No wonder public schools are deteriorating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you would like to contact the insensitive idiot whose son is marching in Rossford Alumnist Madelline O'Hare, Donna Chiarelott may be reached at 419-666-4262.

Give her a call.