Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Kerry's Next Career

Kerry's had his moment in history; two years from now, you'll have to snap your fingers to remember his name. So Kerry's next appearance on national media I imagine something like this:

Voiceover: "Beacon Hill townhouse. . . 6.9 million dollars. . . "

Voiceover: "Nantucket waterfront retreat. . .9.2 million dollars. . . "

Voiceover: "Georgetown townhouse. . . 4.7 million dollars. . . "

Voiceover: "Idaho ski vacation home. . . 4.9 million dollars . . ."

Voiceover: "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. . . .priceless. "

Voiceover: "There are some things even Theresa's money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard."


Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!! Most excellent, DBJ

Anonymous said...

You're twisted but funny, Carl.