Friday, November 12, 2004

In Arafat's Wake

If you're an Arafat-worshiping leftist, everything is "racism and bigotry," even a handful of conservatives peacefully distributing hand-outs. So naturally 300 thugs trashed conservative literature, called the conservatives Nazis, issued death threats, and assaulted several. Police were dispatched to protect the minority--which they did by surrounding the table, curtailing the conservatives and effectively vindicating the thugs.

Sounds like tyranny, right? Maybe today's frenzied crowd at Arafat's funeral? Wrong. The conservatives were College Republicans seeking new members just before and just after the election. College Republicans are--trust me on this--about as menacing as mice. The thugs were also college students. And the site was San Francisco State University, better known as "Jihad U." Frontpage Magazine has details and photos.

While Europe was trampled by Hitler and Mussolini, the trains were said to be timely. Radical Islam adopts fascism's violence and intolerance, but can't organize a one-car funeral. Literally. This is Arafat's legacy.

Should make any future Palestinian state a paradise.

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