Sunday, September 19, 2004

Begala Still Has Two Jobs

At least someone else is outraged that Paul Begala's working for Kerry while remaining a commentator for CNN. Too bad it's only the (nearly content-less) Washingtonian:
When Paul Begala’s cell phone rings, it could be John Kerry asking whether it’s time to attack President Bush. Or it could be Begala’s CNN producer asking him to come on the air to comment on whether Kerry’s going to attack Bush.

There once was a line between those who worked for politicians and those who worked for the media. You were a flack or a hack. That line has all but disappeared.
If Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman also had a seat on CNN---not that they'd ever hire a Republican--we'd never hear the end of it.

In addition to another four years for President Bush, this election will be remembered as the year the media's liberal bias became impossible to hide.

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