Sunday, August 01, 2004

Never Mind, Never Happened

Egypt's Al-Liwaa Al-Islami newspaper (published by the ruling National Democratic Party--72 percent of the vote last election) ran a two-part article titled 'The Lie About The Burning of the Jews' by Dr. Rif'at Sayyed Ahmad, director of the "Jaffa Research Center" in Cairo. Memri translated excerpts:
The Zionist enterprise on the land of Palestine succeeded by means of lies and myths, from the myth of the 'Chosen People' and the 'Promised Land' to the lie about the burning of the Jews in the Nazi gas chambers during World War II. When these means were scientifically examined, it was proven that they were untrue, that their reasoning was weak, and that they cannot withstand the test of solid fact.

What interests us here is that this lie [about] the burning of the Jews in the Nazi crematoria has been disseminated throughout the world until our time in order to extort the West and make it easier for the Jews of Europe to hunt [sic] Palestine and establish a state on it, in disregard of the most basic principles of international law and the right of peoples to independent life without occupation. [This lie] was raised [also] so that [the Jews] would receive financial, technological, and economic aid from the West.
Secretary Powell--isn't it past time for a demarche?

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