Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Who Said This?

When questioned about confronting Saddam Hussein despite objections from other countries:
Clearly the allies may not like it. . . Where's the backbone of Russia, where's the backbone of France, where are they in expressing their condemnation of such clearly illegal activity?

The administration is leading. The administration is making it clear that they don't believe that they even need the U.N. Security Council to sign off on a material breach because the finding of material breach was made by [U.S. weapons inspector Richard] Butler.

I think the United States has always reserved the right and will reserve the right to act in its best interests.
President Bush? Dick Cheney? Paul Wolfowitz? A random (Jewish) neo-con?

Nope. It was Senator John Kerry, in a November 1997 appearance on CNN's "Crossfire." (Via LGF.)



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